Half-Dozen OSU Wrestlers Honored in National Pre-Season Poll

CORVALLIS, Ore. “Amateur Wrestling News has released its preseason Division I rankings for the 2012-13 season and a total of six Oregon State wrestlers can be found on the list. The half-dozen Beaver student-athletes are broken up among the top-20…

The ultimate wrestling haircut.

I’ve seen plenty of wrestlers with, dyed, hair, mohawks, and shaved heads, but nothing as cool as this! via @inherenzone and, @matproblems

Wrestler Jake Varner’s gold medal was a family production

LONDON — It’s never clear at the Olympics exactly where gold medalists go after they get their prizes — mixed zones, press conferences, TV interviews. The hours after that brief moment on the podium are a whirlwind. But sometimes it’s…

Burroughs Displays The Olympic Midas Touch.

by Maurice D. Proffit The promise that shook the amateur wrestling world did happen to con to fruition indeed., Jordan Burroughs, wins the Olympic Gold Medal in freestyle Mens wrestling at 74 kilograms to bring the gold home to the United State…