

Fight Ends WVa JR HS Wrestling Match

From the Parkersburg (West Virginia) News and Sentinel Wrestling altercation may result in disciplinary action By MICHAEL ERB WILLIAMSTOWN – Police and school administrators are investigating an altercation among a coach, student and parent that ended a junior high…

Buckeyes Encouraged By Impact of Freshmen

Thanks to “TheOhioState “for posting this to TheMat college forum 20041217-D7-00.html&chck=t OHIO STATE WRESTLINGBuckeyes encouraged by impact of freshmenFriday, December 17, 2004 Scott PriestleTHE COLUMBUS DISPATCH Inside the Ohio State wrestling room, the seeds have been planted for another…

NY State Champ Lucas Chooses Hofstra

sklucas164086314dec16,0,6007619.story?coll=ny-li-hsports-print State champ Lucas decides on Hofstra BY GREGG SARRASTAFF WRITER December 16, 2004 The decision, like his takedowns, came easily for Alton Lucas, the area’s most highly recruited wrestler since four-time state champion Jesse Jantzen. Lucas, a state…

Cael Remembers Visits to PA

From the Shamokin (PA) News-Item http://www.zwire.com/site/news.cfm?newsid=13568012&BRD=2311&PAG=461&dept_id=482259&rfi=6 Sanderson, an NCAA and Olympic champion, remembers visits to Keystone State 12/16/2004 As an unbeaten, four-time NCAA wrestling champion and Olympic gold medalist, Cael Sanderson owns plenty of great memories. Many of them occurred…